Tangible impact
Bedfordshire & Luton Community Foundation builds partnerships which connect donors with local groups and charities to strengthen communities. BLCF is a catalyst for social change. It’s helping to build a Bedfordshire that truly thrives – one that’s welcoming, collaborative and inclusive. BLCF leads the foundation sector nationally in transforming the way it distributes funding to make sure it’s equitable, transparent and representative. BCLF needed a graphic identity to help create greater visibility of its pioneering work. The logo focuses on the Foundation’s initials because that’s how people refer to it. Their stamp-like appearance was inspired by BLCF’s ambition to create tangible impact. The Foundation’s four colours are taken from Bedfordshire’s flag to make a visual connection between BLCF and the county.

Thanks for all your brilliant work. We hope you’re proud.
Dipak Mistry Grants and Programmes Manager